Fresh Bananas eCommerce SEO
This eCommerce DIY SEO course is for you if you are:
- an online shop owner frustrated by a lack of visitors.
- disappointed that the previous SEOs haven’t helped.
- or confused by all the SEO misinformation that’s out there.
Worried that SEO is something you can’t do for yourself BUT you can’t find or afford a good SEO to do it for you? Does that sound like you?
Real Help is actually around the corner.
You Don’t Need to be a Computer Wizard, You Just Need…

Basic web skills
You’ll need the ability to access
your website in order to make the
required changes. Most changes will be
text based. There’s nothing too techy
involved though and many changes
are very simple?

Time to learn
You’ll need time to learn and
implement what you’re going to learn
about marketing your website and to be
thorough. Don’t be careless or lazy &
if this is you, then please don’t join
the course.

Is all you need. However this is
not an easy fix. So if you are looking
for a get rich quick scheme with little
effort this course is not for you. On
the other hand, roll up your sleeves
and the rewards are great!
Why Me, Why My eCommerce Course?
I’m Ray Field, the author of this SEO course, and I’ve been working ‘hands-on’ with eCommerce clients (under the guise of Tin Soldier) for the last 24 years using effective and successful SEO techniques that have helped business owners to grow their online shops much more profitably.
Why was this eCommerce SEO Course Developed?
It’s simple really, I was frustrated by the number of enquiries that I got from people who really needed SEO for their eCommerce site but didn’t have the budget to hire me to help them. An online shop with ‘no sales income‘ means a site owner ‘with no marketing budget‘ and I fully understand that. So, I wrote this course and all the proven SEO techniques I use for clients are packed into it.
But don’t just take my word for it, you can read here what some of my previous clients and fellow marketing professionals have said about me, my skills and this eCommerce SEO course below. To see some case studies of my previous work click here.
I believe Ray is the best SEO in the UK (he wouldn’t say that, he’s far too modest). He’s been doing SEO for over 15 years.
For the last 7 years, he’s been the only person I’ve recommended when my PPC clients have asked me, “Steve, do you know a good SEO?”.
He’s consistently gotten high page 1 rankings for these clients… rankings that, once achieved, last.
That’s right, none of this “Keep paying me each month” nonsense that so many SEOs use. Once the SEO was done, it was done.
I found Ray Field (Tin soldier) by recommendation a few years ago. My business website was floundering after a spate of Google updates and required optimising. Ray set about researching keyword and phrases, together with the menu structure, look and feel of the site.
Thanks to Ray’s advice, meticulous research and efforts the site is where it should be. I would not hesitate in recommending Ray to anyone who needs expert SEO advice.
I, for one, have seen enough of what he’s done over the past 5-6 years to know he’s an artist with on-page optimisation. Nothing short of top 10 nationally, possibly globally – guaranteed.
I’ve seen a number of big agencies try to ‘improve’ upon his work and in so doing torch a site so it went the wrong way in the serps. Not noname agencies, but big money UK agencies that have an a-list client list.
Heck, I’ve tried to better his results and can’t do it. If you’ve ever read my posts you know I hate admitting someone is better than me at anything online marketing related, but in this case, I take my hat off to the guy.
The Reality of eCommerce Online Shops
4,299,597 eCommerce shops are ‘live’ in the UK (Stats Feb 2020) and 99% of them struggle to rank high enough to make a decent living.
Currently, 20% of the total retail spend in the UK is spent online and retail analysts predict that to increase to 53% within the next 10 years and here’s why – young people have grown up knowing and using the internet but in the next decade, these same individuals will increase the number of adults that look more regularly online when they need to shop.
Common sense tells us that online shop owners need to have a prominent online presence in order to attract interest and gain new customers. As everyone knows from experience, if your business is not listed on the first page of Google, you will receive far fewer customers than if you had a page one ranking. With the stakes so high, no business can leave their ranking to chance. This is where tailored SEO practices come into play.
By learning how to put SEO into practice for your eCommerce website through this online course, you will be able to take action and tweak your website to boost your ranking. Learning the fundamentals of how to do SEO for eCommerce websites will give you the best chance of landing new clients and keeping your conversion rate high.
Why Learn How To Do SEO For eCommerce Websites?
One of the biggest things that holds small businesses back is sluggish performance on search engine rankings. It seems strange that something so small can represent such a hurdle to taking your eCommerce business to the next level. However, this is the reality of the digital marketplace. Good SEO practices for eCommerce websites is what it takes to reach the top of those rankings.
Yet, investing the time and effort in good eCommerce SEO is also about your customers. Good SEO practices improve the user experience. By providing them with the information that they need within the context of page design and navigation setup that is intuitive and easy to use, you are providing your customers with a great service. Regardless of what your eCommerce website sells, SEO is all about designing the website that your customers want. The fact that your rankings improve if your SEO is on point is simply the by-product that you will see once you have optimized your eCommerce website for your customers.
What Are The Benefits Of eCommerce SEO?
While rankings are the focus of eCommerce SEO, there are tangible benefits that result from putting your SEO knowledge into practice. One of the most significant benefits of great SEO practices is boosted brand awareness. Especially for newcomers to the eCommerce marketplace, it is simply important to get your name out there for the world to see. Even if your products and services are top-notch, this is meaningless if you do not attract a following.
SEO for eCommerce websites is also more than a mere marketing tool. Unlike advertising campaigns, the investment that you put into good SEO practices will continue to provide lasting benefits. This makes it a highly cost-effective means of applying your marketing budget. For small eCommerce websites who are just getting off of the ground, learning how to do SEO the right way is the best way to work with a modest budget.
What Is This Course All About?
This course begins with the fundamentals of SEO for eCommerce websites, however, these are the same fundamentals that every successful eCommerce business is already using. To give your business a competitive edge, this course dives deeper into actionable insights that have been gleaned through decades of experience in putting these principles into practice.
For many businesses, SEO is a process of experimentation and trial and error. While there is something to be said for this, there are many best practices that will boost rankings and improve your customer experience without the need for educated guessing. eCommerce SEO is both a science and an art, though this course dives deep enough into both aspects to give you a solid background in what you need to know.
In fact, the course material is highly specific when it comes to answering all those questions that you will undoubtedly have about SEO. Through detailed discussions about topics ranging from Local SEO, and everything this entails, to on-page optimization to more technical aspects of website design, you will find everything you need to know about SEO to make your website a high performer in the search engine rankings.
This course is also continually updated to provide the latest relevant information for eCommerce SEO. Periodic search engine algorithms can temporarily shake up the way that you should approach SEO, although this course addresses what you need to do to stay on top of each different aspect of SEO.
Seize The Opportunity For Your eCommerce Online Shop
Take advantage of this course if you want to ensure that your online shop thrives in the increasingly competitive digital marketplace. Through readings and helpful videos, you will be able to quickly take the proven concepts and best practices gained over decades of experience in the SEO world and apply them to your own business website.
Many eCommerce website owners have praised this course for the depth of its content and its ease of implementation. Join the ranks of these satisfied customers and take your eCommerce site to new heights.